Chiropractic massage

Dr. Hirst Obtains Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP) Title

Dr. Tim Hirst has been designated a certified chiropractic sports physician (CCSP). He has completed at least 100 hours of post-doctoral education related to specialized sports medicine and passed a board examination. Knowledgeable with different sports injuries and rehabilitation, Dr. Hirst helps athletes optimize their performance. According to Brett Guimard, DC, DACBSP, CSCS, MAOM, Lac,

  • Young woman relaxing in swimming pool. Smiling woman with eyes closed lying on her back floating in a pool. Beautiful tanned woman in blue swimwear relaxing in swimming pool spa.

Pool Exercises to Ease Back Pain

Pool Exercises to Ease Back Pain Exercising is one of the best ways to stay healthy and keep your body strong over the years. Unfortunately, if you’re living with chronic back pain, exercising can sometimes do more harm than good. For those struggling with back pain or arthritis, finding something that works for you is

9 Chiropractic Approved Summer Activities for Joint Pain

9 Chiropractic Approved Summer Activities for Joint Pain As summertime approaches, people across the country are gearing up to enjoy schedules packed with activity. Summer means vacation time, enjoying the sun, long days, late nights, and spending more time being active outside. However, not everyone gets to enjoy the season without a care in the

What are Five Great Side Effects of Seeing a Chiropractor?

Going to the doctor when you feel unwell is a good way to make sure that you’re staying healthy and addressing any problems early on. However, traditional doctors aren’t the only ones you should make appointments with during times of discomfort or unease. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as back or neck pain, stiffness, headaches,

Stretching for Neck Pain

Stretching for Neck Pain  As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, we saw a quick shift in how business was conducted. Almost overnight, people began telecommuting and working from home in an effort to flatten the curve. At first, many people saw this in a positive light. There were no more commutes,

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