Do you need a sports physical?

This is the time of year when kids are signing up for sports at school. Making sure our kids are safe and physically fit enough to be free of injuries throughout the season is important. AZ Chiropractic offers sports physicals in Gilbert AZ so you as a parent have peace of mind and know that your child can concentrate on enjoying whatever sport they want to play.

Even if your child has received their annual well-child physical, it’s important to also receive a sports physical before they participate in sports or other physical activities. Sports physicals focus on the physical requirements kids need to play a sport and make it easier for physicians to identify areas that may be prone to injury. They can also suggest tips and exercises to avoid any potential problems.

During the physical exam, we’ll perform an eye exam, check their vitals, cardiovascular system, and their joints and flexibility, and review their medical history.

Here are a few interesting facts about sports and sports injuries:

  • 62% of all organized sports-related injuries happen during practices – not games.
  • The top 5 most common sports-related injuries to children are sprains, muscle strains, bone or growth plate injuries, repetitive motion injuries, and heat related illnesses.
  • Before practices or games, stretch, hydrate, warm up before and cool down after, and wear the correct shoes to help prevent injuries.
  • Children who play sports should be consuming 2,000 to 5,000 calories a day.

At AZ Chiropractic and AZ Physical Medicine, we are committed to bringing you high quality, natural health care. In addition to sports physicals, AZ Chiropractic offers chiropractic care, physical therapy, and message therapy.